Self Relationship Reboot.









Self-Relationship Reboot features seven one hour high-energy sessions.

I designed it for people who feel they’ve come up against a brick wall. In love, maybe it’s always going for the same, unhealthy ‘type’ (the married man, the karma vacuum, the damsel in distress – we’ve met them all). In career, perhaps it’s never breaking through that limiting ceiling you’ve erected over yourself. In health, it can be sabotaging clean living with toxic food and drink choices. In money, it can be never creating those reserves that help build a reserve of joy. Maybe, it’s all, some or none of these, but this Reboot programme will soon sort you out!

It’s a short, sharp shock that’ll completely reinvigorate your life!

In session one, we review your life to date, and hear about your goals and dreams.

In sessions two, three and four, we look at every aspect of your life – work, food, friends, family, likes, dislikes, world view, the lot! – and examine what we need to do to make you THE BEST YOU. It’s called ‘Emotional Enjoyneering’ and I guarantee you will love it!

And then we’re ready for lessons five, six and seven, during which time you get out into the world with you as your Authentic Self with me as your co-pilot and mentor.

Over the 7-session process, you can enjoy a pre-agreed level of additional Skype, phone and WhatsApp access, so you don’t feel alone in your journey across the bridge.

Think of it as the ultimate boot camp for the soul. Are you ready?