“Meeting Chrysa has truly changed my life and I can say that Chrysa taught me how to live life.
She has the ability to understand your soul, and patiently leads you to get to understand it too, at your own pace.
Through her I managed to learn so much about myself, to unveil a lot of truths that were covered and to find clarity and peace.
We have been working together for few years now and the process I went through with her is just priceless.”
Oil Executive
“Chrysa is a wonderful combination of authenticity, knowledge, compassion, creativity, active listening all rooted and based in spirituality. Our conversations have always been enlightening, insightful and thought provoking. Her passion and enthusiasm in her vocation is plain to feel and see. Chrysa brought peace, direction and purpose to me during a period of great tumult in my own life, of which I am most grateful.“
Alex E.
M.Sc Producer
“Me: 41 year old single male, drinks like a chimney, smokes like a fish, not had a girlfriend since puberty. Felt badly stuck in a rut, struggled with self confidence and viewed the future through a prism of negativity. Things started to gradually change after a few sessions with Chrysa. She has an effortless warmth and contagious positivity. She asks thoughtful questions and takes time to listen to the answers. She gently nudges your mind on to the right track. It’s hard not to feel completely energised after spending time in her company. Extremely happy to recommend Chrysa.”
Wine importer
Each session has led to my own further exploration, starting with the wisdom Chrysa would subtly share during the flowing and easy conversations between us. She is so in tune with emotions, human behaviour and the complexities of modern life and has helped me understand that this journey has endless possibilities. What an exciting prospect it is, to know that I have the power to create my happiness, by acting with love and empathy within every pillar of my life?
Through learning to let go of old beliefs, I’m planning to finally move into my dream career, I have much happier relationships with friends and family and most of all a much improved relationship with myself.”
Film Director
“Chrysa provides person-centred support and care to an extent that I have never experienced prior to meeting her.
She is able to understand human emotion and behaviour with a depth that is of the highest calibre.
She has emotional intelligence and provides such warmth towards her clients that you feel you have somebody with the qualifications, skill, life experience and tenacity guiding you.
I have never felt supported in this way before. She has helped me to reflect on my childhood in a way that is safe and provided me with various tools to manage difficult days. She has supported me to overcome childhood trauma and works with my daily in ensuring I prioritise my wellbeing.
She has such a positive outlook. Since the day I met her I honestly feel that there is nothing that I cannot overcome.
I am often the person guiding and supporting others whether that is in my professional or personal life. Rarely do I find somebody capable enough to explore my needs and help me to become a better version of myself. I sometimes think to myself that I must have done something good in this world to have been guided towards such a rare and wonderful human being.
She has helped me in the following areas: my faith, my childhood, my fitness, self esteem, relationships (personal & professional), facing inner fear and childhood abuse. I have laughed, cried and celebrated with Chrysa. I have shared good news, bad news and celebrated huge milestones with her. I feel someone so capable and kind has my back.
I would highly recommend Chrysa’s services specifically in the form of one to one support. I feel it has changed the quality of my life. She is extremely compassionate offering the highest level of empathy genuinely providing long term support to those who require it.
Thankyou for all your support Chrysa.“
Social Worker
“Without her I would not have been able to shape my future life so confidently and optimistically.”
What Chrysa actually gave me aside from counselling and advice was truly more than I could have imagined from someone in her position. Her genuine, empathetic and patient personality and endless time for me shone through right away and not only was I able to take control of my life during that time but thanks to her positive outlook, optimism and love of life she also gave me that one thing that was completely missing: real hope.
It is a few years on now, and thanks to her help and friendship I have been able to move on in my life in leaps and bounds, have managed to find a new relationship and really feel that I have become a much happier, more confident and content person than I could have imagined possible.
I had never considered therapy, counselling or whatever you’d like to call it before – in fact I probably thought people who needed it were mentally weak. Now I advise anyone I know who is struggling with anything in their lives to seek help. It isn’t a sign of weakness: its a true sign of strength that knowing happiness can be achieved, in time, with professional help that a counsellor can provide.
I consider myself lucky to have found Chrysa when I did – without her I would not have been able to shape my future life so confidently and optimistically.”
Divorced and Happy’
“Thank you Chrysa…even though thank you will never be enough.”
“Chrysa’s almost magical appearance in my life was (unbeknownst to me at the time) the beginning of a journey of self-understanding and healing that has completely changed who I am – for the better. Her unlimited empathy, keen understanding of what makes all of us (as well as individually) tick, and a genuine desire to guide you to create a path that is truthful to your essence, have helped me discover a new outlook on what is important in life, a greatly expanded understanding of who I really am, and the courage to walk a more authentic path – the best gift of all. I could not be more thankful.”
Artist & Lawyer
“By the time we finished our session, I felt like a changed person, not only did I know why I was accepting my partner’s behaviour, I was aware of the way I can change my belief system which is about to put me on a brand new journey of self-love.”
Ugne Giraityte
Lessons I learned about settling for less.
“I love working with her and would recommend her to anyone.”
University Student and Artist
“The first session with Chrysa is a matching of energies and my energy has found its soulmate. I’m now convinced she finds you and not the reverse. Once overwhelmed with anxiety and unable to enjoy any real quality of life, I remember coming to Chrysa desperate for a solution that no one else seemed to be able to offer me. I was out of a job and unable to do virtually anything independently. One of her first triumphs was introducing routine and structure into my life (to think one of my goals used to be getting up to boil an egg!) Fast forward three years, I’m now managing my own superstore pharmacy, in a house I own and I’m already looking forward to what’s next. In her sessions expect to learn more about yourself, grow as a human being and flourish into something beyond your wildest expectations. Fairy godmother, guardian angel, superhuman – whatever you choose to call her she’ll never fail to deliver. Thank you Chrysa…even though thank you will never be enough.”
Film & Television Producer
First time I met her, I could immediately feel a huge amount of energy and consciousness that came with her. I needed some time to get myself mentally ready to go with it before getting back to her as I knew a new chapter and lots of shifts were about to start in my life. Here we go, it’s been two years since that first spark and I’m somewhere totally different from where I was – geographically, emotionally and at soul level.
I couldn’t have done a bigger favour to myself than keep working with her. I can’t ever thank Chrysa enough but sending her heartfelt love and appreciation every single day.”
Teacher, life player, crazy mum, rebellious student, author, damn good chef
“Chrysa has really helped me during an uncomfortable awakening during the pandemic of covid 19. A great listener and friend I immediately felt I could trust her from her open loving energy and she helped me see universal truths and aligning with them on a seat at the table of love. I highly recommend for anyone looking to lead a balance fulfilled wholesome life. Thanks for offering a new perpspective.”
Entrepreneur and creative
“Organic, powerful, dynamic, vibrant and mystical.These are the words that would summarise the experience I have had since working with Chrysa. She has an innate ability to understand a person’s essence and clear a person’s lens and pathway with a natural, nurturing and compassionate approach. Sessions are insightful and she is always present and supportive, with a positive and fresh approach. Chrysa has helped me to improve the relationship with myself enormously on many levels, with a safe and trustworthy and professional approach. She is so knowledgeable in many areas and I have learned not only a great deal about myself but also about life through my time with her.”
Wellness and Research Consultant
“In the many years I have known Chrysa, I have found her to be a person of the highest personal values and integrity. Chrysa is extremely insightful and empathic, with an instinctive understanding of the human condition and the issues that affect individuals trying to find their place in our increasingly complex world. I feel extremely fortunate to have experienced the warmth, humanity and compassion that makes Chrysa such a special person.”
John Karter.
Author and UKCP registered psychotherapist
for her presence in my life.”
I’d seen a conventional shrink for 7 years to try and come to turns with the loss of my father when I was only 6 months old. Chrysa helped my come to terms with that loss more than the therapist ever had.
I just felt this emerging lightness every time we met, and while I shed a few tears I also shared some hysterical laughter.
I felt able to finally and fully say goodbye to past relationships, and to truly feel love for those ‘ex’s’,
with real compassion.
She held my hand as we crossed the bridge, and although I met a lot of challenges, I never felt like turning back.
It’s very early days to say, but something – or rather someone – has entered my life thanks to the work
I’ve done with Chrysa.
And Chrysa, I’d like to say three things: ‘Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.’”
James P.
Marketing agency director, London
David P France.
“I am a psychologist specialising in addictions and I refer clients having relationship issues to Chrysa because she has an innate ability to get straight to the key points and help improve their relationship with themselves and others.”
Brian M.
Psychologist, London
Mary S.
Caregiver, London
“Chrysa’s support has been invaluable, she’s one the rare person who helped me discover unexplored places of my soul.”
Mechanical Development Engineer, Switzerland
I found myself looking forward to the meetings, and the incredibly happy energy she put into our interaction. She’s someone I’ll always come back to when a change of direction is needed.
And yes, dating life has entered a whole new dimension!”
Sandrine M.
Single Mum, financial services, Kent
“You cannot help but feel uplifted spending time with her.”
As a friend, Chrysa is loyal, caring, empathetic, extremely trustworthy and is always ready to extend herself and to listen with humility and compassion.
When I have had perplexing situations in my love life, she has quickly been able to assess the situation and has then used her colossal pool of creative talent to apply and communicate solutions with ease and humour;her solutions are also astonishingly effective!
I have enormous respect for Chrysa and her commitment and passion for her work us evident. It is exciting to think she will be able to contribute to your development.”
Denise CP.
Financial Invest, London
Cinematographer, London
Training Consultant, London

“I feel blessed to have this wonderful person in my life. Her bubbly energy, her caring nature, and her smile have been lifting me up in my most horrid days of my patent s illnesses, which followed my dad s recent passing away.
I have questioned my relationships with people, my partner, and myself, and Chrysa has unselfishly been there when I needed to have my hand held to make sense of what is going on.
And whether that is through meeting her at a zebra crossing in Chelsea or at a farmers market in Belgravia, or tnrough our Whatsapp messages, this lady has brightened and inspired my day each time!
Thank you for being in my life C!”
Sonia Palecek.
Pilates and Vitality Coach, London
testament to her success.”
Lynne P.
Chicago U.S.A
Dan S.
Coach, London

“Chrysa combines her life experience, learning and passion for people into a perfect blend that creates healing alchemy. I defy anyone to remain uninspired by Chrysa’s vibrancy, passion for life and piercing grasp of the essence of any given conflict or situation.”
Larisa VH.
Author, London
“Chrysa combines her life experience, learning and passion for people into a perfect blend that creates healing alchemy.”