Who am l?
Who am l?
My name is Chrysa Koropouli. I am based in London, England. But my heritage is all over the place, in the best way!
I’m of Greek ancestry, yet was born and raised in Canada. I had my DNA test done recently, and my ancestors came from East and West, far and wide, from Tokyo to Turin, so my soul is truly international. And that’s exactly what The Relationship Bridge is.
I truly believe I was born to help people improve their lives in every sense. I help people find their joy and learn to love the world. Because the fact is, people who love themselves and the world around them are so much more likely to find the right life.
“From the youngest age, I’ve been able to sense people’s energies –
the energy of who they really are.”
Chrysa Koropouli.
From the youngest age, I’ve been able to sense people’s energies – the energy of who they really are. Sure, I studied Psychology at University in Canada, but the basis of my coaching is energy…and helping you to find the unique energy that is You.
That energy creates a new consciousness. And then that consciousness creates matter. You then begin to alter your physical world. That’s a wonderful alchemy.
My approach is positive, proactive, caring and warm. I really do believe that “Love Is The Only Show In Town”. I adore what I do, serving people, and helping you get from where you are to where you want to be.
When it comes to life’s rich ups and downs, well “I’ve been there”. Which is why you’ll never feel judged. And because I’ve lived in different countries and cultures, I won’t view you through the lens of one tight perspective.
I have found my joy, and I know how to help you find yours.
And I’m absolutely sure you’re going to enjoy the journey.